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mixed bag 混雜;(尤指)雜七雜八混在一起的東西[人]等。

mixed bud

She made her film debut with a small part in shout 1991 and for the next 5 years had featured roles in a mixed bag of film fare that included flesh and bone 1993 ; mrs . parker and the vicious circle 1994 ; se7en 1995 ; jefferson in paris 1995 ; moonlight and valentino 1995 ; and pallbearer , the 1996 而她與布拉德皮特的戲下戀情卻是她拍攝此片的最大收獲。布拉德皮特給格溫妮絲帶來了巨大的知名度,由于她擁有著這個全球無數少女為之瘋狂的夢中情人,媒體將她稱為“世界上最幸運的女孩” 。

James hughes - hallett talks to cuhk emba forum for the swire group , doing business in china has been a mix bag of expensive lessons , delightful surprises and reaping of sweet fruits , said james hughes - hallett , chairman of swire pacific ltd . , cathay pacific airways ltd . and john swire and sons ( h . k . ) ltd . at the chinese university of hong kong s emba forum held on 22 september 2003 太古集團兼國泰航空公司主席何禮泰先生于二零零三年九月二十二日,出席香港中文大學的emba論壇,分享他在中國做生意的五味紛陳,既有代價昂貴的教訓,也有快樂的驚喜和美滿的收成,他更體會到許多所謂的中國生意經只不過是以訛傳訛而已。

Benchmarks among the three contenders are a mixed bag , but all three chips obtain quite similar performance all are remarkably fast , and suitable for intensive number crunching applications 盡管三個競爭者采用各自不同的基準,但所有這三種芯片卻獲得了相差無幾的性能(都很快,適用于對數字運算要求較高的應用) 。

I believe the bill is a mixed bag of good and bad reforms that pleased none of the vocal interest groups 相信對于各個積極奔走游說的利益集團,此法案的改革內容皆有好有壞。

This mixed picture has led to a mixed bag of monetary policy responses in the region 這種復雜的形勢令區內各經濟體系作出了不同的貨幣政策回應。

The first bush administration was a mixed bag in terms of economic policy 第一屆布什政府的經濟政策是個大雜燴。

The girl invited a mixed bag of people to her birthday party 那女孩邀請了一大幫各種各樣的人參加她的生日晚會。

The world of work is a mixed bag 工作場所是個大雜燴。

The new intake of students appears to be a very mixed bag 新招收的一批學生似乎是由各式各樣的人所組成。